
CYO Sports is one component of a parish’s comprehensive youth ministry program which enables the partnership of parents, coaches, priests, religious, teachers, and adult leaders to manage and support a sports program that allows youth to grow in their relationship with God and come to better understand themselves and the Catholic Faith.

Such a program:

  • Employs healthy and enjoyable competition to promote the sharing of gospel values among athletes, parents and coaches.
  • Assists parish leadership in nourishing the emotional, spiritual, social, and physical needs of young people.
  • Encourages young people to appreciate the gifts that they possess, and challenges them to share these gifts with their community.
  • Allows youth to witness the life of Christian Discipleship in their coaches and adult leaders.
  • Encourages youth to become responsible members of their faith community.

In keeping with the CYO Mission, each participant is encouraged to donate their time to service projects and to attend a team Mass each session.

SLTG Athletic Director: Missy Atkinson, [email protected]

Website Coordinator: Meg Bilson, [email protected]

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